Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Well, you put in the miles...

Now its showtime! Sunday morning thousands of Clevelanders and otherwise will tow the line of the Cleveland Marathon! We at Fleet Feet just want to say good luck, have fun and run happy!

Over the past several months, through the cold, the wind and snow you all have been getting in the miles, putting in the time and gutting out the training to get yourselves ready for Sunday. Whether you pounded the treadmill for miles in the gym or trudged through the winter yuck, you have earned your place at the start line and we are proud! You should be too!

Anything can happen on the 26.2 mile trek but just know that whatever happens you will give it your best and you deserve to enjoy the day! But don't be afraid to give it a little push at the end and dig deep to gut it out. Don't be afraid to pull out the stops and run through the pain in the late miles! Marathons are supposed to hurt, that's what makes the finish so awesome!

So enjoy your run, enjoy your pain and enjoy the glory! We will see you at the finish line! Cheers!

Your Friends at Fleet Feet!

PS - Don't forget the Body Glide!